martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Health: looking at yourself

This post is recommended for 4th level in primary education.

How do you feel today? Are you sick?

Fortunatelly, nowadays there are lots of resources to improve our health:

medical treatments (medicines, vaccinations, blood tests...)

advances in medical technology

clean drinking water

hygienic living conditions

How to care yourself?

Three important steps are neccesary: prevention, a good diagnosis and a efficient treatment.

Methods of prevention
The most important methods of prevention are:
1- eating healthily
2- doing exercise
3- sleeping
4- keeping clean
5- visiting the doctor to make a check-up

Methods of diagnosis
1- doing an electrocardiogram to check your heart rate
2- doing an ultrasound about an organ, a baby...
3- doing an x-ray to take a picture about your internal organs, bones...
4- checking your temperature with a themometer
5- checking your blood pressure
6- doing a blood test

Methods of treatment
1- taking medicines such as antibiotics
2- doing a microsurgery
3- a blood transfussion
4- an organ transplant
5- to put a bone in plaster
6- to bandage a wound

 Methods to care yourself. Grouping.
Healthy eating

It's very important to have a balanced nutrition. Different nutrients from food help our body to work better. We must include: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins and so much water.

A balanced nutrition prevents obesity, heart diseases...

CARBOHYDRATES (pasta, rice, bread, cereals...)

They provide fibre to help our digestive system.

FATS (oil, fish, nuts, cakes, some fruits, milk, cheese, butter...)

They provide and store energy. We can divide in good fats and bad fats. We must not abuse of this food.

PROTEINS (eggs, fish, meat, legumes, chicken, nuts...)
They provide materials to built new cells in our body. They help mainly to our muscular system.

VITAMINS AND MINERALS (vegetables and fruit)
They help our locomotory system (calcium for bones and potassium for muscles), our circulatory system (iron for blood), our nervous system (vintamins for senses...)

WATER (water, juice, infusion...)
Most of our body is made of water. We need to replace the lack of water when we sweat, urinate, repare blood, saliva, tears...

Doing exercise


 Hiking, going for a walk, dancing, running, ride a bike or simply use the stairs... are exercises you can do everyday and make your body stronger, prevents obesity and you feel happier.

You help your HEART and circulatory system.

When you move, you need more oxygen and nutrients. Consequently your heart bumps more times and makes stronger.

You help your LUNGS and respiratory system.
When you move, you need more oxygen. Consequently you need to breath more.
You help your MUSCLES, BONES AND JOINTS (locomotory system)
When you move, you gain muscles and loose fats.

You help your BRAIN.
When you move, your brain ask your body to generate endorphines which make you feel happy.


Children need to sleep about 10 hours.

Sleeping is very important to prevent tiredness. When you sleep:
- your body and brain are relaxed, so they can rest
- you help your body to grow
- your memory increases

 Keep clean

Brush your teeth after eating to prevent tooth decay.
Wash your hands frequently to avoid taking germs or spread a disease.
Wash your body to remove bacteria, dirt and sweat to prevent bad smell.

Regular medical check-ups

It is very important to monitor our health to prevent important deseases. Doctors check that our body works correctly.

You should visit the dotor for vaccination.
You should visit the dentist.
You should visit the optician.

Unhealthy habits and common illness

Important vocabulary
pathogens = germs (bacteria and virus basically)

immune system --> mainly white blood cells --> natural defenses against germs

Contagious deseases = germs spread from one person to another

additives = chemicals to make food last longer

Common illness
tooth decay and flu

obesity and allergy (bad reaction to dust, certain food, pollen, animal hair...)

tiredness and heart desseases

a broken bone or a twisted joint

headache and backache
a stomach upset (stomacache) and eye strain

 cancer and diabetes

Unhealthy habits

  Unhealthy diet and doing little exercise produce weight problems (too much sweets and fats) and heart deseases (too much salt).

  Staring at screen too long (in front of the computer, the mobile phone, the videogame console, the tv...) can produce headache, backache, obesity, eye strain...

  Taking drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol can affect your liver and brain. Tobacco makes you stop growing, affects to your heart and your lungs. They can produce cancer.

Match the unhealthy habit or the simpthom with the propper illness. Play.

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